Friday, June 18, 2010

My Garden is Never TIDY!!

I don't know why, but my flower beds are never tidy! Some plants astound me with their profuse growth - while others disappear, leaving me to wonder why.

I admire other people's gardens...

... taking pictures, for inspiration, like I did last year in Burlington, Vermont...

... or in my neighborhood. I love this tidy border of lamium!

I struggle to keep the front bed tidy, trying to keep plants far enough apart to allow for growth - without having airborne weeds fly in and take root in the bare spots.

My back yard is totally out of control! Early in my gardening years, I encouraged a few plants that spread - and have now taken over. I must also confess: I have a soft spot for wild flowers in bloom (like these yellow ones in the picture above). I leave them alone until they stop flowering.

My ideal tidy garden would be a bed of hostas - with tidy mounds of sedum...

lilies, bunches of daisies, and...

tidy clumps of roses... They stay where you plant them!

(But there are so many other lovely flowers that aren't that easy to manage!)

My excuse (to myself) is that I have a large yard... which is true. But the reality is that - on a hot, humid summer day - I'd rather be indoors admiring flowers in bloom through the window than outdoors, battling angry wasps and bees, who don't seem to mind the heat... I learned my lesson the last time I was stung!

Best resign myself to the fact that I'll never have a tidy garden!

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