Thursday, June 17, 2010


Quite a few years ago - on this very day of the year - my life changed forever. I entered the Ottawa General Hospital - wondering what was going to happen to me... And I was transformed into a mother!

Eventually two more babies were born, each time a unique experience.

I had always wanted to have a large (and boisterous) family of children.

My grandmother had 14 children, though only 11 survived infancy. Her home was a fun place to be!

That's what I hoped for myself... Love and laughter. That's what I still have... most days!

The biggest surprise about being a mother?

Well, there have been a few...

First, how much love erupts suddenly from somewhere deep within - love that carries you through the sleepless nights and other trying times. Fiercely protective love.

Second, seeing the world in a whole new way... Watching random people in the street and thinking - you were a baby, and you were a baby, and you...

You were all a product of that miracle: Birth.

Third, that there is so much to learn. After all these years, I'm still trying to figure out how to be a good mother.

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