Our grandson - who LOVED his Christmas elf - had to give him up a few weeks after school resumed in January. The elf had become his buddy. He loved to take the elf to school in his knapnack, even after Christmas, and play with him... (Mainly toss him around and watch him "fly"!) But a few kindergarten classmates were concerned: Why had this elf not returned with the others to the North Pole - like he is supposed to, according to the story?
Their kindergarten teacher didn't know what to tell them... So she requested that the elf not be brought to school.
(But the elf, being mischievous, kept sneaking into my grandson's knapsack!) It became a problem... The parents had to find a solution...
Six weeks passed. (In that time, Grandma forgot about the problem that the elf had caused at school...)
My grandson recently came over for a sleepover. In the morning, he went into my sewing room and asked if I could sew him an elf. Then he happened to see yarn 🧶 that was JUST THE RIGHT COLOUR!
I can try to crochet one for you, I told him. So I did. And he had fun playing with it ...
Later he asked me to crochet a toboggan as well. So I did, and for a while the elf enjoyed sliding down the banister on his toboggan.
Then I happened to mention the other elf.
Oh, he’s gone back to the North Pole, my grandson replied.
Only much later, after he had gone home (with the crocheted elf) did it dawn on me: Oh no! Have I crocheted another school problem!! Will he take it to school?! And will the kindergarten teacher again have to deal with a Christmas elf (facsimile) problem? I really didn't intend to do anything but make a small boy happy...
(Hopefully this saga won't have a Part 3!)
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