Saturday, March 8, 2025

International Women's Day

Today is International Women's Day. 

I don't usually give much thought to awareness days - unless I find them amusing: like Popcorn Day (January 19) or Coffee Day (October 1).

But last year I happened upon a display celebrating Women's Day at the mall where I often walk. 

I started to think about the strong women in my family tree: My two grandmothers - who both became widows with young children when they were still in their twenties. Both were tasked with  supporting their families on their family farms.

Then there was my mother, who broke out of the family mold, going to university and becoming a teacher. Daring to dream... She was the first in her family to finish high school and the first to get a university degree. That changed, not only her life, but mine as well.

These are the women in my life whom I need to celebrate and appreciate!

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