Sunday, March 9, 2025

Better Late Than Never!

This past winter I had an "amaryllis problem"!

After growing four amaryllis bulbs outdoors all summer long, I took them out of the soil and stored them in a paper bag for about 6 weeks. Then I planted one in a pot of soil that I had prepared. Nothing happened.

A few weeks later, I did the same thing to a second bulb... I watered the soil from time to time... but nothing seemed to happen. There was no growth...  (All this occurred last October and November.)

My plan had been to plant the bulbs several weeks apart, in order to have a longer blooming season.

When no growth occurred, I wondered if the bulbs weren't growing because the basement had been too warm... Did they need a few days of REALLY cold weather? With this in mind, I put the bag with the two remaining bulbs into the car... where they froze. When I took them out, they were mushy and rotten...

The two potted bulbs continued to sit on a sunny shelf in my sewing room and I continued to water them from time to time...

Now - four months later - to my total amazement - they have both developed leaves... and flower buds!

What's happened ?!

I have no idea!! (But better late than never!)

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