I had pretty much given up hope that my amaryllis bulbs would grow at all this year - and, frustratingly, I didn't know why.
Over the years I had accumulated several bulbs. All grew leaves when I repotted them every winter - until this year.
Last fall, I re-potted them before Christmas, hoping they might bloom in December. I watered them - and waited... but there was no sign of growth. Was I watering them too little? Too much? Did they have too much sun? Or not enough? Finally I basically gave up!
Then, just a few days ago, I went upstairs to my "neglected plant shelf" - where I put plants that don't need a lot of care...
BOTH were growing leaves - that were the same size - even though I had planted them in soil a month apart!
I really don't understand what has happened - except that they are both following their "biological clock" - growing when they're good and ready!
Now I'll just have to wait and see of they develop flowers!
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