Sunday, March 2, 2025


I used to make "coupons" to give family members as gifts... "Good for a 5-minute back rub" or "Good for 1 DQ visit - treat of your choice"... or something similar. Sometimes I'd even staple together a small "pack" of coupons.

"What goes around, comes around" - I guess!

I recently got this "permission slip" from my daughter for my birthday... It is especially useful now that winter is here.

Yes! Thank you!! Will do!!

(The only problem is that the lights and the thermostat are TERRY'S pet peeves!! And she's not around to pay those bills!)

Saturday, March 1, 2025

New Hope - For My Amaryllis Bulbs

I had pretty much given up hope that my amaryllis bulbs would grow at all this year - and, frustratingly, I didn't know why.

Over the years I had accumulated several bulbs. All grew leaves when I repotted them every winter - until this year. 

Last fall, I re-potted them before Christmas, hoping they might bloom in December. I watered them - and waited... but there was no sign of growth. Was I watering them too little? Too much? Did they have too much sun? Or not enough? Finally I basically gave up!

Then, just a few days ago, I went upstairs to my "neglected plant shelf" - where I put plants that don't need a lot of care... 

BOTH were growing leaves - that were the same size - even though I had planted them in soil a month apart! 

I really don't understand what has happened - except that they are both following their "biological clock" - growing when they're good and ready!

Now I'll just have to wait and see of they develop flowers!