I added elastic to the top of the first one I made, from a piece of quilted fabric, but I found it too tight to wear for long periods of time.
And did it really have to be that tight?!
The second I made was a rectangular .one, with a dart on each side to give it rounded shape...
The elastics around the ears are a little tight...
Maybe I need to try one that ties around the back of the head...
I made this one out of double sided quilted material, that I could shape it a bit by adding ties to the sides, and tying it in the back... so no pressure on the ears...
I used old shoe laces. I like the fact that the top tie holds the mask in place over the ears.
Would elastic ties work better?

A neighbor told me about a you tube video that showed a woman making a no-sew face mask by cutting tube socks a certain way.
I went to my odd-sock collection and made half a dozen. My only comment on this is to make sure the tube you cut is both wide enough for your face and large enough to go from your chin to cover your nose. But, with the right socks, the method is ingenious! (I was going to link to the tutorial, but I can no longer find it on you tube... there are so many tutorials out there now. Maybe I should add one of my own!!)
So, in short, I haven't made a perfect face mask yet. I'm still experimenting. But I do always carry one in my pocket - and once I wear it, I throw it in the laundry as soon as I get home. So I probably need half a dozen or more...
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