Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Lemons... To Get Rid of Ants

I often come across ant hills in different parts of the yard. I know ants have an ecological role in nature - but I still don't like them in my garden beds or destroying the lawn.

This year I decided to try a "natural" approach to try to get rid of them...


I read that ants don't like lemons!

So, whenever I use a lemon, I find an ant hill and toss the peel on top. In one case, I dug the peel into the sandy hill with my foot...

A while later, the swarming ants were gone.

I really don't know what happened to them. Maybe they just moved a few feet away.

I don't imagine that lemon peels kill them... But I'm going to persist and see if I can't have fewer ants around!

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