Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Photo Books for Family Stories?

I was recently going through old photographs - some, of Terry's family, a box we "inherited" when his grandmother Hutchins died. Neither he nor I know who most of the people in the pictures are.

(Should we just throw them out?!)

I have also been going through old albums, taking digital pictures of childhood photos to post online... Memories from years gone by. (Like this picture of my father at the beach with my brother and me in the summer of 1950.)

As I look at old family photos of places that have changed - and people no longer around, I wonder: Will my children even know who these people are when I'm no longer there to tell them?

(This is my father and me outside his garage in Hay Lakes, Alberta in 1947, before his gas pumps were modernized. I was a year and a half old.)

What to do? The easiest thing would be to go through family albums photographing each of the old pictures with a digital camera - or cell phone! Then, using the new digital format, I could create family photo books - identifying the people in each picture and, in some cases, saying when and where the photo was taken.

I have been doing something similar in the photo books I made to document recent travels.

The old black and white digital images would have their own charm, I think...

The whole project would take time, no doubt about that. But I think it would be worth it.

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