Wednesday, December 9, 2015

National Gallery Christmas Event

In our retirement,Terry and I are trying to enjoy aspects of the city we didn't have time for in our busier working years. Recently, we attended an evening event at the National Gallery - the lighting of the Christmas tree. It was open to the public.

Besides lighting the tree, what else is going on? Terry asked.

I didn't know - I had simply read that there would be free hot chocolate, some events for families, music...

... and the lighting of the tree.

We didn't realize that all the art displays in the gallery would also be open!

We looked around...

A Monet exhibit that focused on his paintings of bridges was on display.

In one activity room, we were invited to paint one of the bridges in Ottawa...

Bridges! What a great theme for a series of paintings!

We also walked through the gallery's small central garden...

... into the chapel...

It was a lovely evening. And the lighting of the tree was only a small part!

(I should add that the enormous tree came from the Eastern Townships of Quebec - the region where Terry was born and raised. Needless to say, he was very proud!)

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