I left for my pottery class just as the workmen were setting up.
Electricity was slated to be out for the whole day, so I decided to eat out and go shopping after class.
No point in rushing back! (There is only so much construction chaos I can handle!)
I got back 7 hours later, just as they were putting the finishing touches on the new pole! An hour later, electricity was restored.
I'd like to think that this is the end... But instead, I wonder which house on our street is next in line for renovation, removal or demolition! Fifty years ago, when many of these houses were built, this neighborhood of big lots and small homes was outside of the city limits. The city grew to encompass it. Nowadays builders are looking for lots big enough to divide. Two homes often go up where one small house stood. Others hope to build rooming houses for students who attend college nearby. Whatever the plan, our neighborhood is changing!
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