Thursday, March 14, 2013

Crumb Quilting

When I mentioned the term "crumb quilting" to my daughter, she facetiously replied: What?! You eat cookies while you quilt and the crumbs become part of the design?!

(I guess the term could conjure up that image!)

Crumb quilting is creating quilt squares in a random way using very small pieces of fabric -  bits or "crumbs" that might be considered too small to use normally. There is an interesting pictorial explanation online at

"Crumb" size bits of fabric are probably smaller than a lot of the scraps I have in my many scrap bins. (I grouped them in colors a while back). I worked from a blue bin to start off - then tried bits from other color groupings as well.

In the end, I created two pieces that would be the right size for a change mat for a baby. I quilted one up using the "organic quilting" method I mentioned in a previous blog post.

It came out in little ridges - but that should make it a soft pad for a baby to lie on. It doesn't have soft pastel colors - but I hope it will work out. I plan to give it to a mother-to-be at an upcoming baby shower.

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