Sunday, October 14, 2012

Autumn Reflection

I have been reading Esther de Waal's book, Living with Contradiction, and the following caught my eye. It seems particularly relevant to the autumn season:

"There are moments in the year... when we are made particularly conscious of the dying that is happening all around us... as the nights get longer, as daylight fades more quickly, as plants and flowers disappear and the earth becomes bare, as the trees lose their leaves and we are left with the stark skeletons of their forms against the sky, we have this yearly reminder of loss, of darkness, of death. And yet simultaneously we know that it will not last forever - that it is only the necessary precursor of growth." (pp. 123-4)

The gardener in me says: Yes!

And even as I pare down the clutter in the house - disturbing the comfortable chaos I live in - I want to see it as a kind of death that leads to new life: old interests make way for new ideas, new opportunities to bring new things into my life, to learn and grow.

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