Friday, February 28, 2025

More Animals Running Around

The day after writing the blog post about only seeing black squirrels out and about this winter, I saw a few more animals. The weather was sunny and warm... 

A sudden movement in the backyard hedge caught my eye. A long-tailed chipmunk came running along. 

Later a small red squirrel crossed our bare driveway. I missed photographing both the chipmunk and the red squirrel, as I wasn't ready - and they quickly disappeared ... 

Then, through the window - and screen - I saw a black squirrel with no tail coming across the road. I managed to snap a photo.

(I wonder what happened to the tail.)

 I also noticed large tracks in the snow on top of a garage roof - visible over the fence across the street.

I suspect they were made by a raccoon.

It's a busy world out there, now that the sun is out and the weather is warming up! I wonder if the fact that it's garbage pickup day is also bringing out the neighborhood animals.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Only Black Squirrels

Our neighborhood is home to at least three different types of squirrels - grey ones, black ones, and small, aggressive red ones. In addition, we have two types of chipmunks - long-tailed and short-tailed.

But what puzzles me is - now that winter is here - the only squirrels running around outdoors are black ones! I wonder why...

They do run around in the snow, but I find it easier to take pictures of them when they're resting on the fence.

I wonder if they're able to withstand cold better than the others... though it always amazes me that any of them - birds or animals - can live outside in winter and not freeze.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Almost Done!

It seems as if I've been working on this shawl/cowl for a long while. I must admit I've wondered if it would be ready THIS winter!

I'm glad to see it's (finally) almost done! I'm currently working on the "cord" cast off, which looked like a braid. I find it very pretty when done in two colors.

I'm looking forward to trying it on, once it's off the circular needle.

I'm especially happy that it's ALL made using yarn left over from other projects. I haven't bought any NEW yarn at all.

I may begin another... (I have so much leftover yarn!)

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Black History Feast!

Last Sunday, our church celebrated Black History Month with a feast of food from African and Caribbean countries.

It was a real treat!

I really enjoyed two versions of "rum cake"...

That's something I've never made...

There were lots of displays as well. 

So many lovely things!

One of mt favourites was "sea glass" - broken glass dishes - probably from a shipwreck - that have been  reshaped by the movement of the waves.

Makes me want to walk on an ocean beach and hunt for "treasure" again!

Monday, February 24, 2025

After the Storm

A week ago - on the weekend - we had a BLIZZARD.

The following day was sunny but still windy - so Terry decided NOT to use his snowblower. But he did push the snow on the driveway into a large pile. 

Snow and blowing snow were problems all over the city. Our son who works downtown sent me this picture of a car stuck in a snowbank in front of the public library, near where he works.

I used to keep a snow shovel in my car for situations like this...  (Also some chocolate and a candle in case I needed to stay warm in the car for a while.)

When I later asked my son if the car was still stuck, he replied that the driver had taken a shovel out of the trunk and dug the car out of the snow. (We must have read the same book on winter driving!)

Here at home, our neighbor Ken used his ride-on snowblower to clear away the snow Terry had piled up. The strong wind blew some of it back on him...

What can I say?! Winter isn't easy!

Sunday, February 23, 2025


Last Sunday much of Ontario was under a severe snowstorm warning.

Here in south-eastern Ontario, we hunkered down for the day. I didn't leave the house.

That doesn’t happen too often! 

As I looked out the window, I couldn't help but hope we were reaching the end of our winter season. After all, it will soon be March! But one never knows!

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Feeling Good!

This past week, I've felt... (dare I  say it?!) ... a little more energetic!

All winter, especially since Christmas, I've felt listless, wondering if this is what it's like to be "old"... 

I look at my grandkids - and their parents - So much energy and enthusiasm! 

We were energetic once, too, Terry reminds me. 


All winter I've had no desire to go to the gym. Then, the other day, I felt my energy stirring!

Was it the added hours of sunshine, and sunny skies (even if the temperature remains cold)?

We now have two more hours of daylight than we did two months ago.

Is it the new medication my doctor recently prescribed to help lower my blood sugar?

I really don't know... But I am looking forward to moving our clocks forward in early March to give us more natural light in the early evening. Speaking for myself, I don't need it at 4 AM...

If early rustlings of spring are making me feel stronger - bring it on!

Friday, February 21, 2025

Stuck in the Ditch!

After my recent trip to Alberta, I started going through old photos, sharing some with the Kingman School museum. 

I've come across some even older photos as well.

Before she was married, my mother taught school in northern Alberta in the late 1930's to early 1940's.

She usually travelled north from Edmonton by train in the fall, returning to her parents' home again in early July.

But in July, 1941, she and some friends must have had the opportunity to return to Edmonton from Grande Prairie by car.  

Were the roads muddy... or just unclearly marked? In any event, a third of the way through their trip, the car ended up in the ditch! It must have been a frightening experience as the car looks almost on its side.

I don't know who was driving - but hopefully not my mother, as she had no driver's license at the time.

The ditch they got stuck in was near a native community called Driftpile. All these details are written on the back of the photos.

Fortunately, some locals helped them, pulling the car out with a team of horses! 

This is not an adventure my mother ever talked about!

But a few years later, I was in the car when she was learning to drive on country roads near Hay Lakes. The muddy roads were very slippery and I remember the car sliding into a ditch.

A local farmer eventually pulled us out. 

My mother never spoke of that incident afterwards either!

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Think Happy Thoughts!

There's a lot of negativity in the news these days.

I've actually been hunting in my book shelves for books with positive, encouraging messages...

Sometimes I have to work harder than others just to MAKE HAPPINESS HAPPEN!

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Flowers in Winter!

I recently visited a friend's house...

And I immediately noticed these flowers.

Their amaryllis is beautiful!

My two amaryllis bulbs haven't even sprouted leaves this year! But the bulbs are green - and that gives me hope.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Steel Cut Oats PLUS Fruit

I'm  not the biggest fan of hot oatmeal with brown sugar in the morning - which is Terry's favorite winter breakfast. But I recently discovered a way of cooking no-sugar-added STEEL CUT oats that I enjoy eating (cold) as a "healthy" dessert. It's amazing how much 1/2 a cup of oats and 2 cups of water makes!

Mix togethet 1/2 cup of steel cut oats and 2 cups of water. 

Simmer over low heat for at least an hour. It will still be runny. As it's heating, add one chopped raw apple - like a Macintosh, which sweetens when cooked. This is the only sweetener I use. Sprinkle cinnamon on top.

Cook the oats plus the chopped raw apple until the apple and oats are soft. Then remove from heat, cover and let sit to thicken.

In the end the pot of cooked oats and chopped apple is the consistency of rice pudding. 

I refrigetate it and serve half a cup per serving for dessert. 

One of these days, I plan to experiment by adding frozen cherries or blueberries together with the apple, to see how that tastes.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Neighbors Helping Neighbors

I had just finished writing yesterday's blog, when I received the following email from my neighbor Mary across the street...

(Isn't it great to have neighbors?!)

Today of all days our snowblower broke down when Earl had only half the driveway done.  Thankfully, Terry came to the rescue and finished the rest of the work.  Then our other neighbour Ken came by disappointed that we had already finished doing the driveway.  He wanted to do it with his fancy ride-on snow blower.  It was a good thing we didn't rely on Ken's fancy toy because it also broke down.

Later that morning the city plow came by (much earlier than expected), and left a large heap of snow at the end of the driveway.  Fortunately, our neighbours rallied together to clear things up.

Thanks Neighbours.


Sunday, February 16, 2025

Neighbors Helping

We haven't seeen much of each other this winter...

Now that cold weather is here, some of us stay indoors.

But after the winter storm hit last Wednesday night - just as another is expected to hit again this weekend -  it's "all hands on deck" - young and old - with neighbors helping neighbors!


Saturday, February 15, 2025

Immobilized by Snow!

We don't often get snowstorms like the one that blanketed our area last Thursday.

But every year or two we get one.

Nobody on our street left the house for work in the morning. (Maybe some worked from home.) No school buses... The public library was closed.

Clearing the driveway is step one... But until the city snowplows clear the streets, cars get stuck trying to leave. (I know! It has happened to me!)

My son - who works downtown - usually takes the bus to work. He sent me these pictures he took at 6:30 AM yesterday.

He works at a hotel - where he was fortunately able to spend the night. 

Nothing much seems to be happening on those downtown streets either - though I do see a few delivery trucks out.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Snow Day!

Yesterday we awoke to a SNOWY scene outside our door.

Before long, Terry headed out for a day of "play" (with his snowblower)!

I plan to stay indoors...

Hopefully it will be a productive - and fun - day! I don't think I'll leave the house!