Monday, February 24, 2025

After the Storm

A week ago - on the weekend - we had a BLIZZARD.

The following day was sunny but still windy - so Terry decided NOT to use his snowblower. But he did push the snow on the driveway into a large pile. 

Snow and blowing snow were problems all over the city. Our son who works downtown sent me this picture of a car stuck in a snowbank in front of the public library, near where he works.

I used to keep a snow shovel in my car for situations like this...  (Also some chocolate and a candle in case I needed to stay warm in the car for a while.)

When I later asked my son if the car was still stuck, he replied that the driver had taken a shovel out of the trunk and dug the car out of the snow. (We must have read the same book on winter driving!)

Here at home, our neighbor Ken used his ride-on snowblower to clear away the snow Terry had piled up. The strong wind blew some of it back on him...

What can I say?! Winter isn't easy!

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