Saturday, June 15, 2024

Riding Lessons

One of the first local events our granddaughter participated in - when she moved to her rural Ottawa home from downtown Toronto - was horseback riding lessons.

As I recently watched her saddle up "Percy," I was reminded that my mother had to ride a horse to school in high school.

The school was too far away - and, in those days, there were no school buses!

She must have saddled the horse at home in the morning - and unsaddled it once she got to school. Did she tie the horse to a tree while she was in class? Or was there a hitching post? Where did she put the saddle?!

Was she the only student to come on horseback? Or were there others?

The only story I ever heard about her horseback riding days was the warm spring day the horse stopped and lay down on a flooded road. She jumped off, pulling on the reins, thinking he was dying. But he was just hot and wanted to cool off.

After a few minutes, the horse got up and they continued on their way. She was annoyed that she had to jump down into muddy water - and that her clean clothes and shoes were now dirty from the mud the horse was covered in!

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