Tuesday, June 18, 2024

My Orchid's Aerial Roots

Should I trim back the aerial roots on my orchid? I asked my daughter, who has a number of orchids, and seems very knowledgeable about all her plants.

(In the photo above, the plant is growing in the pot on the left - filled with above ground roots - while all the flowers are growing on a stem to the right.)

I sent her this picture of the roots...

Ask Google, she replied.

Glad I did!

All the articles that came up indicated that - as long as the aerial roots aren't turning brown or dying - they are an essential part of the plant and feed moisture to the plant through humidity in the air...

So - even though they may look messy - they're a healthy growth and should not be touched!

I'm not a fan of the aerial roots resting on the table, so I bought a basket that lifts them up a bit! (There's a solution to every problem!)

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