Saturday, September 28, 2019

Late September Flowers...

September is the end of flowering season in our garden... But it's not quite over yet!

Our most beautiful blooms right now are the Japanese Anemones...

The bees love them!There is one perched on the flower bottom right.

(The article I have linked to above, about Japanese Anemones, is from a British newspaper. Their climate is milder than ours in Ottawa.)

I should really divide this plant - it has done well over the years, and it's spreading. Terry complains that it is encroaching on the grass...

But where would I put it? Would it damage the plant to split the roots? These are questions that hold me back...

I also love the sedum Autumn Joy which is currently in bloom. I often plant them near hostas.

A few brown-eyed Susans are still in bloom, but they won't last long...

We also have a few late blooming phlox, mainly in the back yard - some two-toned, some bright pink... When we moved to this house, there was a small perennial garden in the back yard. But all the flowers bloomed in July. Over the years, I've added  earlier and later blooming ones..

It's time to cut back the dead stems from the summer, which I really want to do... But I'm looking for a perfect day: not too warm, and a little breezy - to keep flying insects at bay...

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