This nearby village, a 15-minute drive away, became part of Ottawa about 20 years ago, to the chagrin of most residents.
(In fact, Ottawa encompasses a number of former "villages" - like the "village" of Westboro - which is closer to downtown than our own neighborhood of City View is!)
The Miller's Oven Tea House was decorated for the holiday season.
After a leisurely brunch, we headed over to the local grist mill to see what was happening there.
A craft sale was taking place at the mill, Manotick's landmark.
(I felt sorry for the vendors, bundled up, sitting in the unheated space!) But they were dressed for it!
It reminded me that workplaces like this mill wouldn't have been heated in the winter several hundred years ago.
Perhaps it wouldn't have been open at all, as it depends on water power - which would stop once the river freezes over.
After a short walk around the area (as the air was nippy), we headed home - thankful that there are cute, interesting historic places like this to visit, that are so close to home.
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