Friday, September 7, 2012


When I was a child, I used to go fishing with my uncle Rudolph. I would even hold a fishing rod once in a while - but I hated to catch anything - as he would expect me to remove the flopping fish from the hook, and I couldn't stand to touch them (until they were cleaned and cooked and on my plate)!

I was reminded of those long-ago fishing days when Terry and I went for a country ride recently and ended up in Carleton Place, not too far from Ottawa.

Typical of many towns in Ontario, it has a raging river and a dam.

After I admired the view and took a few pictures, I turned to see that a family had been fishing from the shore... and caught some.

Memories of early morning fishing trips suddenly came back to me! Uncle Rudolph would have been proud of such a catch!

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