Friday, September 23, 2011

Operation Wasps Nest!

Every few years we discover a wasps' nest where we really don't want it. One summer, a grey ball of a nest suddenly appeared next to our side door - a little too close for comfort.

This year's annoying nest is just under the shingles on our west-facing roof - the side often blown by the wind, so the shingles may be a bit loose.

Terry immediately sprang into action - borrowing a neighbor's ladder, then covering himself - to avoid getting stung.

My job was to hold the ladder steady. Fortunately I had help from a few stakes Terry hammered into the ground. I'm not sure I would have been able to do much if the ladder had suddenly lurched sideways.

Should I try to catch Terry if that happens? (Or simply get out of the way?) I wondered... But I didn't ask! (No point making him nervous.)

So he sprayed - a thick foamy wasp-killer.

But the next day, we could still see wasps going in and out.

So we plan to try it again... and (if necessary) again...!

Update: After several unsuccessful attempts - we have finally called in an exterminator!

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