Held over the course of three weekends in February, it features (among other things) ice sculptures - made by ice artists from around the world.

Here is a Japanese ice geisha... holding a Canada goose...

It's really hard work!

I'm not sure why anyone would want to labor over a sculpture that will soon melt!

But here are a few we saw...

My personal favorite was this ice cactus made by a Mexican sculptor... It seemed so incongruous! (Do they even have ice in Mexico?!!)

Another interesting one for me was an ice "ogopogo" - the legendary monster in British Columbia's Okanogan Lake.

My parents lived near the lake for over 40 years... but they never did see the real ogopogo (who apparently pre-dates Scotland's Loch Ness Monster).

There were pioneer demonstrations in rope-making...

... and boiling down maple sap to make syrup over an open fire. (Maple syrup really does taste better made that way!)

There was even a gallery of beautiful winter photos ...

... in case you weren't feeling cold enough!
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