I remember a friend who had visited his mother - and been horrified with the dirtiness of the kitchen sink and counter. It was very unlike her.
It's as if she can't see the dirt, he said.
Maybe she couldn't! Changes to the eye can cause impaired vision. I know! Those first few weeks, before my vision improved, I wouldn't have been able to see dirt either!
What to do? Well, an eye test - and a physical - would the the first steps, in order to determine if vision is the problem... And if it is, try to fix it...
If someone really can't see all that clearly, perhaps they need a helping hand with their cleaning.

I also realized, at that time, that my cookbooks - with their fine print - were useless to me. I needed enlarged printing to read any recipes. Had I been facing long-term vision impairment, and still wanted to cook, a personalized cook book - perhaps favorite recipes printed up in large font in a binder would have been a wonderful gift. Most recipes are available online and could be copied from a recipe website, such as Recipe Link (my personal favorite) and then enlarged before printing.
Also measuring cups with large, clear measurements marked on them are essential!

As an aside, when I refer to my laser vision correction, I usually specify PRK because it takes longer to heal than some other methods of correction, such as Lasik. I needed PRK because my eyes needed a lot of correction. Had I been teaching, I would have needed at least a month off work ... A detail I didn't know when I decided to have it done!
That first month, I went through moments of doubt, when day after day my vision only improved marginally. But now - after almost 2 months - everything has healed well and my vision is really clear. I definitely have no regrets! In fact, for me, it's a dream come true!
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