Thursday, January 21, 2021

Walking... Closer to Home

Ontario residents are currently being discouraged from going far from home (due to the COVID pandemic).

So one day recently, we decided to head over to a nearby park to walk there. 

The park is in the middle of a neighborhood called "Centrepointe." When we first moved to this community, Centrepointe was just a forested area. 

When it was developed and became part of our city, we were then called Nepean

Nepean was later annexed to be part of Ottawa.

Back when this neighborhood was newly developed, a deer once jumped across the road in front of my car at night. I was so shocked! That had never happened before - and it hasn't happened since.

I don't know if any deer still live in the meager woods that are left..

As Terry and I were wandering around the well-kept paths, someone stopped and commented on Terry's hat, which had a team logo on it... And of course, we stopped to talk!

That sometimes happens on a neighborhood walk!

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