Thursday, April 2, 2020

I Wonder...

The 40 days of Lent will soon be coming to an end - on Easter Sunday, April 12.

The word 'Lent' doesn't originate with the French word  lente (meaning slow) - but I've heard some people say their lives do slow down during Lent.

This year, for us, life has really slowed down as we practice self isolation and social distancing.

We no longer walk in the mall for fun... (Actually, the mall is closed.) No dinners with our children... We only talk to neighbors from a distance...

I thought of Lent - with its association to the French word for slow - as Terry and I walked down a street that would normally be bustling - if restaurants and cafes were all open. Very few people or vehicles are on the street.

I wonder...

As I notice a few families out walking together on the quiet streets, I wonder:

Will children look back and remember this time fondly because they got to spend more time with their parents? Will families, spending more time together, grow closer?

I wonder...

I haven't heard many people talking about praying for a quick end to this COVID-19 pandemic...

I know some are praying.

I've been thinking about the words of this ancient call to prayer for healing of a land.

I've also been praying that this time of isolation and distancing will end quickly.

Here's the call to prayer. To me, it sounds like a promise...

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

I think we all have to continue to avoid spreading this virus - by physical distancing and taking necessary precautions, like washing our hands, avoiding touching our face... But let's not forget to pray for a miracle!

Terry tells me I'm an impatient person... I admit I am!

I want to see my children and grandchildren soon. I want life to return to normal! I know I'm not alone in this - which is why I'm praying for a miracle!

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