Saturday, March 9, 2019

My De-Cluttering Obsession

This winter has been unlike any that I can remember... Instead of knitting and quilting, I have been going through shelves and drawers in our house to determine what objects "spark joy".

Deciding what to get rid of is always hard. We have emotional attachments to what we own. But when we ask ourselves if something actually gives us "joy," it becomes a lot easier. Getting rid of what no longer brings us joy is actually liberating!

Have an idea of what you want your home to look like, she advises.

Go through everything, and get rid of objects that don't "spark joy."

Then determine where to store the rest...

It will take about 6 months to do. Don't work at it every day.

I've been at it for about 2 months, and I still have a long way to go... Hopefully I'll check in from time to time to  tell you how it's going.

Personally I think I'll need more than 6 months... but we'll see!

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