Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Brief Respite from Snow

Here in Ottawa, we have a lot of snow on the ground - though the weather is slated to warm up next weekend, so Terry is optimistically hoping that it will all melt!

I'm not as optimistic!

But last weekend, we decided to leave our snowy city and head south to where there was no snow... We left just as freezing drizzle began to fall...

We didn't have to drive far. One hour south of Ottawa, Brockville, Ontario had no snow!

Then we continued west to Toronto, where we only saw a few snow patches here and there, but the sidewalks were bare...

Then on to Guelph and Kitchener-Waterloo, in south-western Ontario, where I could walk in my shoes with no fear of falling...

Eventually we returned to Ottawa - where we were welcomed by piles of snow!

Don't go outside if you don't have to, my son who lives here told me. It's cold - and slippery!

I might make a monthly trip to Toronto by train, if they continue to have safe walking surfaces. I told Terry. You wouldn't have to come, if you didn't want to. I could take the train. If I can't go to Hawaii for the winter, I could at least head for Toronto where I could still walk outdoors!

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