Tuesday, January 2, 2018

My Most Successful Goal of 2017

I often set goals for myself - but fail to achieve them.

My most notable goal success of this past year was replaying all my Joyce Meyer CDs... (I have several dozen.)

I think a key to my success was organization: Having a set place to store the CD's once I listened to them. Once done, I put them away, and moved on.

Another key was having a specific time to listen to them:They were interesting to play in the background when I was knitting or quilting, since they provided challenging food for thought. In the end, I even expanded my goal to include  audio books from the library. I hope to continue doing that in the new year.

Now I'm trying to find ways to make other goals more achievable - goals like simplifying  and organizing the basement and study.

Not only do I have my old papers to go through, but also my mother's. Another task I'd like to accomplish is to seriously sort through books and clothing. But I have to really focus to do these tasks. This is mentally, physically - and sometimes emotionally - taxing. If only they were more mechanical - like knitting and quilting...

Or maybe I need to listen to Joyce's "Don't Panic" CD's again. (I notice them above in the picture.)

Making messes and cleaning them up may simply be my life-long calling: I may need to simply accept that fact!!

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