Sunday, October 30, 2016

Asking Forgiveness...

For many years I lived in Israel, where I celebrated Jewish holidays, as well as Christian ones.

Recently a Jewish friend in Ottawa invited Terry and me to the evening meal breaking the fast of "Yom Kippur" - the Jewish fast for atonement, or forgiveness of sins... I'm not sure I ever participated in this traditional meal before, even in Israel.

The supper began with several prayers. Then one of the men at the table turned to everyone and said: Please forgive me if I have offended any of you over the past year. 

A few of us at the table were surprised. But soon others began to ask forgiveness for any offenses they may have knowingly or unknowingly committed.

This was all a new experience for me... and a very humbling one, publicly asking forgiveness.

I love our national holiday called "Thanksgiving" - the day when we are reminded to count our blessings. But how much happier we would all be, I think, if we added this tradition to our lives as well - the habit of turning to those around us - those we share daily life with - and in recognition of all at times we do offend each other - knowingly or unknowingly - asking for everyone's generous forgiveness.

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