Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Appreciating... Snow!

I'm really no fan of winter.

To enjoy winters in Canada, you really need to enjoy winter sports, I used to tell my immigrant students, who often had never seen snow.

Then I'd urge them to learn to skate or ski.

Unfortunately I do neither - and winter walking (on ice) is risky business for me.

But I do have a new appreciation for snow.

California has had a drought for several years now. I was there a few weeks ago, just after a major rain storm had hit.

Does that end the drought? I asked.

No... Unfortunately, heavy rain on hard dry ground, tends to wash away, I was told.

But snow - water suspended in frosty flakes and ice crystals - melts slowly, allowing the water to slowly penetrate the soil. Amazing!

I still may not enjoy winter walking - but I view snow a little differently now!

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