Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Knitting Goal

My knitting goal this winter is to finally learn to make garments that fit perfectly... (My daughter would tell me that I simply need to pay attention to gauge - to the number of stitches per inch.)

Gauge is stressed by Elizabeth Zimmermann, as well, in her books and videos. I've been watching a number of lessons taped decades ago, now available on DVD that I borrowed from the library.

Though I've been knitting since I was a teenager, each lesson teaches me something new.

Watching her "Knitting Workshop" made me want to buy a copy of the book that accompanies it.

Initially I planned to purchase it from the online store that was once her mail-order yarn business in Wisconsin. But they were going to charge me an exorbitant amount for surface mail postage and handling - US$40! - more than the US$37 cost of two books! (I had added a second book to the order.) At our current, unfavorable exchange rage, that would have been a total of $108 in Canadian funds!

I ended up buying it (much cheaper) on Amazon! (Even online shopping, you need to shop around!)

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