Thursday, April 16, 2015

Personal Pottery Update

My winter pottery session has ended. Twice a week, since January, my goals were to improve my skills on the wheel... and to have fun hand-building.

I had hoped to make a few usable mugs! (I can't seem to make them tall and keep them straight!)

In the forefront are three of my early attempts, together with a head I made in my hand-building studio time. One of the intended mugs has a turned-out top, so I guess it will have to be a bowl... (Or a vase!)

(The items in the background were made by other potters.)

By mid-March, I had improved a bit.

I want to continue practicing, so I've booked half day sessions in both the hand-building and wheel studios for May and June.

(Pottery - playing with clay - is very addictive!)

I've started making some mugs in my hand-building studio time.

Even these aren't flawless!

This intended-mug will probably be a vase, too!

Nothing is working for me tonight, one woman commented in class a few weeks ago.

I just love the feel of the clay in my hands, another replied. My goal isn't to make perfect things - just to have my hands in clay!

(Now that's an attitude I can agree with... though it is gratifying when an item turns out nice!)

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