Sunday, May 4, 2014

Accepting Each Other

I must be very touchy! Over the past while I have given a lot of thought to forgiving people I am silently angry with. (There are a few!) What amazes me is that I can't think of anyone who has done something awful to me. But I still harbor ill will towards people I am close to, who had unrealistic expectations of me when I was growing up. It must have upset me that to think I was disappointing them by not being who they wanted me to be. How sensitive I was ... and probably still am!

But I want to move on - to put away all that suppressed anger and resentment. So I have been studying forgiveness. One of the thoughts I read somewhere is: People are responsible for what they do, but not for who they are. 

That too is a struggle sometimes... accepting people for who they are! (Yet ironically, not feeling accepted for who I was caused a lot of my hidden anger!)

So I am trying to embrace the thought: ... accept yourself (and others) because God created every unique thing about us all. Celebrate - appreciate and enjoy the fact that we are all so different. In fact...our differences are a gift to each other! 

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