Sunday, February 2, 2014

Everyday Epiphanies

I recently came across a book entitled "Everyday Epiphanies." I didn't buy the book - but I loved the title! In fact, I thought it would be good to keep track of my own "epiphanies" when they occur.

A friend has been doing that. He recently sent us an unpublished manuscript of "thoughts" he started to write a few years ago... (Around the time he had some serious health problems? I didn't ask.) He had worked on it off and on ever since. Now, he was sending it out to share with friends.

What a great idea - to write down thoughts that ring true! I do it sometimes in this blog. My father often shared them in conversation - if we would listen!

Today I think of a small "epiphany" I had last week, after my daughter's building lost running water due to a frozen pipe.

Go to a hotel until it's fixed, I urged her. You can't live like that!

But she stayed. Eventually she and a friend walked over to a neighboring house to ask for a bucket of water... and met a helpful neighbor for the first time!

It's good to have all we need - food, water, work, and so on. But a lack reminds us that we need each other, too. (That's my "everyday epiphany" for today!) 

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