Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Medicinal Marshmallows?!!

I heard today that marshmallows are good for sore throats, my son told me. I have a scratchy throat. Do we have any?

Marshmallows? Really?!

Unfortunately we were out - but I promised to buy some if they had medicinal properties!

So I checked online... (What would we do without the internet?!) There I discovered that a University of Maryland study showed that marshmallows had a gummy substance that coated the throat and other medicinal properties...

That was the GOOD news!

The BAD news is that they weren't studying the sugary candy we eat. They were studying the marshmallow plant! (I didn't know there was a marshmallow plant!!)

Here is an article that tells about them. I discovered that the pretty flowers - which resemble anemones - are indigenous to Africa, so I guess they wouldn't grow in Canada! Too bad! Because the plant would be an amazing addition to a garden... if you lived near a marsh!

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