Like the many police on horseback on downtown streets...

They always seemed happy to let tourists take their pictures...

I was surprised at the name of this fashion boutique: Acne... (I have since discovered that this is a Swedish store. Intrigued, I checked online to see what acne meant in Swedish... and it means the same as in English!! Apparently, when they first opened, people - understandably - thought they sold skin care products.)

Somewhere down the line, I guess "acne" has lost its negative connotation!

I was surprised that the lovely-looking blond woman sharing a bench with us outside the NBC Building was actually a model on a photo-shoot. She was pushing a baby carriage and carrying several colorful shopping bags. (I first noticed her because she looked so perky and fit - so unlike how I felt right after having a baby... When my kids were infants, I remember feeling overweight and tired - from sleepless nights... And I don't think I wanted to go shopping for new clothes until I lost my "baby weight"!)

When she got up and started to walk away, a photographer with an impressive-looking camera took pictures of her as she walked among the crowd. Later she and the photographer - as well as an assistant - stopped to watch a bus-load of singing seniors...

... who were advertising a new TV show...

The most dangerous things I saw in NYC were these metal doors on the sidewalk in front of many old buildings - open to receive deliveries.

It was so tempting to look up at beautiful tall ...

...and unusual buildings - that I had to keep reminding myself to look down - or I might accidentally trip and fall in!
We laughed at some of the sights we saw - like this palm tree carried for several blocks over someone's shoulder!

Or the M&M's Store on Times Square... It was always full of tourists!

It was possible to buy favorite colors by the pound...

But the biggest surprise to the both of us was that we were able to keep up with someone much younger... as we pounded the pavement hour after hour... for three days... seeing the city on foot!
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