Friday, December 4, 2009

Praying for Children

I have been praying for my children ever since I knew they were there... (i.e., long before they were born!) Perhaps because I began this parenting adventure later in life (in my mid-30's)... Perhaps because I have a natural tendency to worry!.. Whatever the reason, I would "touch base" with God daily, asking Him to watch over both the unborn child and me.

During my second pregnancy, as I prayed (somewhat anxiously) for the birth of this second child, a Bible verse jumped out at me:

The blessing of the LORD maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it. (Proverbs 10:22 - King James Version)

It's hard to explain - but as I read these words, they felt like a promise straight from the heart of God. This child was a gift, a blessing from God. There would be no sorrow, so I needn't worry. I wrote the words down and repeated them often - whenever anxious thoughts raised their ugly heads.

So when my son was born - a quick, natural delivery - but a few minutes later stopped breathing - my husband turned pale. Tears filled his eyes as the doctor grabbed the baby, ran to a nearby door and called for help.... Inexplicably, I felt no anxiety. I knew that everything was going to be all right. After all, God had given me a promise.

A few minutes later, they brought us our newborn - who was breathing again!

It was one of those life moments I will never forget...

(Here he is a few weeks later, with his sister.)

I still pray for my children, as they grow in careers and relationships... And I still have anxious thoughts.

So recently - when something happened that may be God's answer to one of my prayers, instead of being thankful, I panicked ... (at the thought of change)!

And just as quickly, Jesus' words about God's love for us - His children - came to mind:

What father among you, if his son asks for bread, would give him a stone, or if he asks for a fish, would give him a snake instead ...? (Luke 11:11)

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