Monday, November 16, 2009

Organizing My Day...

US President Barack Obama (and thousands of others) organize their days using Blackberries, those nifty little Canadian inventions - which they constantly consult...

I have a simpler way of organizing my day... using scraps of recycled paper - sliced up from sheets I no longer need.

Baskets of these little note papers sit on every desk and counter, so they are easily accessible: I just reach over and jot down any important item I need to remember - from shopping lists and blog ideas to doctors' appointments.

Terry leaves notes to organize me as well... When I get up in the morning, there is often one hastily written note beside my coffee maker.

Today there are 3, so I know it's going to be an eventful day!

And once a task is accomplished, I have the satisfaction of scrunching up my note and tossing it (as hard as I can!) into the nearest paper recycle bin! I'll bet you wouldn't dare do that with your Blackberry or electronic organizer!

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