Thursday, October 15, 2015

Community Mailboxes... Coming Soon!

I'm not looking forward to the community mailboxes where we will soon be collecting our mail - especially with winter's ice and snow.

But our new way of receiving mail is inevitably coming - soon!

Communal mailboxes are being set up every few blocks - sometimes a single unit, sometimes in groups of two or three.

They do have one helpful feature - a slot for mailing letters. I suppose our old postboxes will no longer be needed...

I do have a few questions: Each communal box has two parcel compartments where parcels will be put. Will only two parcels will be delivered on any given day? Or could several parcels be put into one box?

What happens if there are more parcels than the box can hold? Will they be delivered to our doors? Or will the letter carrier wait until the parcel box is empty before putting another in, causing delay?
What if I don't pick up my mail in the parcel box for a few days... Will they remove my parcel and take it to the post office for me to pick up?

The instructions say to drop off the parcel box key in the mail slot - I presume the slot for mailing letters. What if someone forgets to do that? Does that mean the parcel box is unusable? Or will they simply use another key - even though there is a spare key out there? Or, for added security, will they change the lock and use a new key?

I hope they have given thought to potential problems like these!

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