Our car came with this remote control key that has buttons to unlock the car doors or open the trunk. On THIS side of this handy-dandy device, there is a red alarm button - a PANIC BUTTON - which I have never used on purpose! But occasionally I have brushed against it, and been shocked to find the car alarm go off and the lights begin to flash...
You can use that at night in an emergency, one of my neighbors informed me. If you sleep with your car panic button under your pillow, your car alarm can signal a call for help!
(Mmmm... Not sure it would work for me. With my luck, I'd accidentally push it and wonder which neighbor was disturbing the peace!)
Another powerful button - a PANIC BUTTON of sorts - is the redial button on the phone.
Two nights ago - at 2 am - our telephone rang. Now who could that be? My husband said, rushing to answer it. Hello! Hello!
What do you make of this? he asked, handing me the receiver.
No one was there... But in the distance, I could hear talking. It sounded like my son's voice. I had spoken to him on his cell phone earlier in the evening. Had he accidentally pushed redial - and I was now overhearing his conversation with a friend? It wouldn't be the first time that had happened.
I remembered another PANIC - a midnight call when our son was in his teens.
Who would be calling us at 1 am?!
It was the father of one of my son's friends - and he was in a panic!
Sorry to call you at this time of night - but I was wondering if you knew where the boys are, Charlie's father said. I've tried to call him on the cell phone, but I can only get the answering machine.
Then he told us how, a few minutes earlier, their telephone had rung. No one had spoken to them, but on the other end of the line, he could hear distant voices:
I think they can see us... Oh no, they're after us... Run!! Let's get away!
Was Charlie in danger? Had the boys been attacked?
They came by to pick up a few pylons and a flag, my husband told him. They were planning to play "Capture the Flag" in a park not far away.
Had they encountered serious trouble? Charlie's parents drove over to the park to see.
There they found the group of friends in two teams still trying to capture the flag from each other...
While hiding, Charlie had accidentally pushed the redial button on his cell phone and called home!
LOL. Mens seem more prone to accidently hitting redial since they usually carry their phones in their pockets. They should start locking their phones/blackberries.