Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Decluttering the Mind

Occasionally a self-help book becomes a summer reading project for me, as I slowly digest the book, daily reflecting on a portion, trying to apply it to my life. A few summers ago, I read The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People over the course of a summer, and I was never quite the same.

A few days ago, an online book review caught my eye. Always on the lookout for articles with suggestions for easing household clutter, I was drawn to the title, which suggested that not only our living spaces - but also our minds - needed to be decluttered! Intrigued, I read the review and jotted down a few notes.

Now I have a summer plan: I plan to reflect on the topics mentioned in the review: relationships, finances, work, family, health, and others important to me such as my faith in God and my role in the church community. I hope to define a vision of how I'd like these to be - what's getting in the way - and to think about (and perhaps make) small changes to achieve my goals. The review talks about the importance of living in the present, facing fears and celebrating successes. I think I'll try to reflect and journal - regularly, if not daily - about some aspect of these topics - to see if my life, my actions, are really in tune with my inner desires for this stage of life...

And when I've done all that, I may even read the book the reviewer was talking about: Enough Already! Clearing the Mental Clutter to Become the Best You by cleaning guru Peter Walsh!

Our lives do become cluttered! Sometimes we are not really in control of situations we find ourselves in. At other times, we have responsibilities that overturn personal plans, hopes and desires. So when we do find a gap of time - like a relaxing summer - it is useful to spend time reflecting on how we really want to be spending time and emotional energy. At least, I have found it helpful from time to time to try to "declutter" my mind.

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