Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Power of a Smile

When I picked up this morning's paper, and saw Barack Obama's smiling face, my immediate reaction was to smile back- whatever problems the US faces, he can handle it! I'm glad he's there! Those were my thoughts.

That's the power of a smile.

I recently cut out a newspaper article that stated that happiness is contagious.

I know that sadness is... which is why I avoid sad movies!

From experience at work, I know that positive, happy people are more fun to work with, than those who feel down.

I showed the happiness article to someone who works in customer service.

Boy, do I know that, he said. My job is easy to do well, and it's easy to mess up. It all depends on your attitude, your mood.

Not necessarily your circumstances.

I say that with one elderly gentleman in mind. In the years we attended the same church, he was always cheerful. He loved to talk about books, and to read. In World War II, as a young soldier, he'd been stationed in Egypt, so he loved to talk about travel.

Wasn't the music great today, he'd say after church. That organist really is wonderful with the children. She's so encouraging! This is such a great group of people! So supportive. Just a wonderful place to be.

You only noticed his hearing aid when he'd turn it up or down, depending on who he was talking to. The only time he ever mentioned his health to me was one day when he said: Those doctors are so amazing these days. The things they can do... and he proceeded to tell me what they had done to him that week! To him it was all so fascinating.

In his place, I'd have been complaining about my aches and pains and how much harder life is when you're not well.

So when I didn't see him at church a few weeks ago, I kept looking around, wanting to talk to him. His wife sat down beside me and said, Did you know that Bill passed away a few weeks ago. He had cancer, you know.

That's another thing about happy people - they are really missed when they are gone.

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