Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Challenged to ... Bake Again!

Cooler fall weather has challenged me to turn on the oven and bake again.

The down side, of course, is that there will be more temptation to eat it. (How much can two people eat?!)

But the upside is that I made it - so I know what's in it!

I like Edith Schaeffer's attitude in her book "Hidden Art" - where she comments that mealtime should be a surprise.

Like the oatmeal muffins (above) with chopped pear, strawberries, and frozen cranberries in them. 

Definitely not the "normal" blueberries or chocolate chips! 

Terry WAS surprised!

Monday, October 14, 2024

What Happened Here?!

Several nights ago, around 3 AM, Terry and I were wakened by the sound of sirens...

Police? Fire engines? Both?!

The following day, we discovered that there had been a house fire in our neighbourhood - only a few blocks away. Neighbors had seen flames and called 9-1-1. Two people had been taken to hospital.

We drove past the house to see...

How awful! I wonder what happened. Did they not have smoke detectors?!

The last fire I remember in our community was on a sunny but windy afternoon when someone was barbecuing on an apartment balcony. The balcony caught fire.

Just a year ago, the sister of a friend made the mistake of going downstairs instead of leaving the building when she saw smoke coming out of the basement. I wonder if I'd have done the dame thing...

As a teacher, I used to appreciate Fire Prevention Week at school when we were all taught - or reminded - what to do in case of a fire.

Some of the tips I still remember were:

  • If a pot of oil bursts into flames on a stove, just put on the lid. Don't move the pot. (Then turn off the heat.) Lack of air puts out a fire. 
  • Make a family evacuation plan with a meeting place and talk about it regularly with all who live there. 
  • Make sure all fire alarms work.
  • If you smoke, never smoke in bed - or anywhere else you might fall asleep. 
I think it's good to talk about these things from time to time, so that there's no hesitation in doing the right thing.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Why Are You There?!

I usually park away from tall light poles with seagulls perched on them.

But it's even more disconcerting to see animals ON a vehicle!

Should I park near this seagull strutting around on someone's car roof?!

Definitely making himself at home...

(Maybe I should just move to a different spot!)

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Steamer Trunk

One of the oldest thing we own is this steamer trunk of my mother's. 

She took it "up north" by train when - at the age of 19 - she started her teaching career at Preston Lake, in Alberta's Peace River country, the first woman to teach in that one-room country school. That was in the fall of 1938. If I remember correctly, her annual salary was $300.

What courage and determination, saying goodbye to her family in Edmonton and heading off on a 10-month contract.

Her home, while there, was a small "teacherage" next to the school. Her duties included teaching the assigned curriculum to grades one to eight - all together in one classroom - as well as arriving early to start the wood stove in the morning, so that the classroom was warm when the children arrived. At end of the day, she was also responsible for tidying up and sweeping the floor.

How did she carry that trunk? my son asks. It's heavy!

Porters - at the train station - carried it. Then local farmers, who had been tasked with picking her up at the station took her to her new home. It would have been extra heavy, full of teaching supplies, as well as personal items - everything she needed for her 10-month sojourn in the north.

Did her family use this same trunk when they came from Ukraine to Canada in 1928?

I don't know - I never thought to ask!

Friday, October 11, 2024

Amaryllis Dormancy Prep

Terry mentioned that we may have frost soon - so I decided to take my four amaryllis bulbs out of the pots they've been in all summer (outdoors), shake off the dirt...

...  trim their roots, and put them in the basement, in a paper bag, to lie dormant for several months, before repotting them in fresh soil.


One website suggested repotting them several weeks apart - to lengthen one's enjoyment of the flowers. I may try that, even though last year, only two of the four bloomed...

But for now, I'll just put reminders on my calendar - to remind me when to repot them.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Waiting and Wondering

Our older son - who comes over to watch NFL football games on TV with Terry - wasn't feeling well early last week... But Terry felt it was safe for them to watch football together at our house (wearing protective masks - and with windows wide open) Sunday, Monday and Thursday night. We're obviously not as cautious about Covid as we once were.


I finally pulled out my box of recently expired Covid tests and insisted he take a test - just in case...

To his amazement, he immediately tested positive - for the first time ever!

A week has passed since he started to feel bad. He's now feeling great - and has gone back to work. Terry and I are both feeling fine. But I'm still waiting... to see if Terry and I have caught it. We've stopped going to the mall and the gym - just in case...

I have a doctor's appointment coming up. Should I cancel it? Should we forget about making Thanksgiving plans as well? (Canadian Thanksgiving is this coming weekend.)

The weather is colder - but I still open all our windows! If we're both fine by the weekend, should we assume the risk is over?!

These days - it's hard to know.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

How Did I Miss This?!

Last Sunday there was an unusual display of clouds in our area.. 

To the north of our neighborhood there were "Asperitas clouds" - that look like rough water" - churning overhead.

There was even an article in the paper about this unusual phenomenon...

Terry and I were home. The clouds were churning over our house, too. 

Fortunately our neighbors, Earl and Mary, saw them and took these pictures. 

But somehow we missed it!