Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Ocular Migraine?!?

I was enjoying my early morning cup of coffee one day last week when I noticed something moving at the edge of my field of vision to my left.

I turned my head to look at it - and it moved, too! Oh! Oh! Something is happening in my eye!

A wave of dark and light - like a spinning coil - was moving at the edge of my peripheral vision at the left side of my left eye. Slowly it moved up and around that eye - and started to spread to the top of my right eye.

That could be distracting... I remember thinking. I hope it isn't here to stay!

I closed my eyes, but I could still see it.

What was happening?! Then, after about 5 minutes, it went away.

I remember "eye" stories I had heard from friends - torn retina, silent stroke. Was something like this happening to me?!

I did a google search of my symptoms and came up with the term "ocular migraine," but I dismissed it. I never have headaches, and I still felt perfectly fine.

I called Telehealth Ontario, a 24-hour service offered by the Ontario government health plan, to speak to a nurse. He suggested I see a doctor within the next few days. Fortunately I was able to book an appointment with my ophthalmologist for later that day.

Glaucoma, vision and peripheral vision tests were done. No irregularities there.

When I saw the doctor, he informed me that I had experienced an ocular migraine - caused by a blood vessel in my brain. They were common...

I see about two people a day who have had them and I myself have had them for the past 3 years. Mine are triggered by computer use, he told me. If one happens when you are driving, pull over and wait for it to pass. 

His last about 15 minutes, he told me.

So there it is, a new medical "problem" I didn't know existed! Fortunately, not serious.

But I'm glad I had it checked out!

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