Thursday, January 14, 2021

Self Care in Stressful Times

I recently came across several articles on "self-care" - no doubt inspired by these stressful pandemic times. Here is one... I quickly read the articles to see if there was anything I could do to be happier, the goal of self-care.

Of course, now that I'm looking for them, I couldn't find the exact same articles I perused the other day! But they're all somewhat similar. The article referenced above mentions spending an hour a week doing something you love.  Now that I'm retired, I try to spend at least an hour a day doing something that "sparks joy." But back when my children were young, I had to carefully plan any breaks from household responsibilities. At one point, I took a quilting course one evening a week... It was fun! And the beginning of my quilting passion.

Another thing I try to do is exercise daily - preferably walking outdoors several times a week. (Number 21 in the list above...) On days when the weather is stormy or the roads and sidewalks icy, I wear my step counter indoors and try to walk between 5,000 and 10,000 steps a day.

I also try to keep a journal. The Artist's Way, a book I'm currently re-reading, suggests writing three pages of whatever is on your mind first thing in the morning... to help clear out the worry and negative thoughts... I find that helps, too.

Unplug from too much news, which can be depressing...

Watch TV programs or movies that make you laugh...

Think happy thoughts...

Pray... I write down things I pray about and date them... Catherine Marshall, one of my favorite Christian writers, suggests writing prayers on egg-shaped pieces of paper, then putting them in an envelope - and not looking at them for at least a month. It's actually pretty amazing to see which prayers have "hatched"!

I try to keep in touch with family and friends as well... by phone, email or Skype.

Today, Ontario is entering another month-long period of "lock-down" when we are only permitted to leave our homes for "essential” reasons - like food shopping or medical appointments. I support these measures, as I don't want hospitals to be overwhelmed by the pandemic... But it's easy to feel "trapped" at home, too.

Feeling "trapped" is no fun! But I remind myself of all that I love to do at home... I make a list and try to keep busy. I view this time as an opportunity to get things done... an opportunity that won't last forever.

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