Sunday, January 10, 2021

Finding My Goal, My Mission Statement

All my life I've had goals... So many over the years - to finish school, to get a job, to buy a house, to have children, to learn to quilt...

The list could go on and on!

But now, in retirement - I sometimes feel like a ship lost at sea... I keep busy, but there's very little I need to do... For a goal-oriented person, like me, it seems strange not to know where I'm going... or why...

What is my purpose in life these days? I sometimes ask myself... Do I have an overriding purpose? A mission statement? Or am I at a stage in life when I just "keep on keeping on" as they sometimes say?!

Questions like these have led me back to daily journaling, like I did in my early days of retirement. At that time, the book, The Artist's Way, helped me think through how I wanted to spend my time - and what was holding me back...

Now, a dozen years later, the same book has helped me realize that I really love creating beauty...whether through gardening, art, even de-cluttering my house...

In that vein, I’ve returned to unfinished projects like the quilt I’ve been working on above...

I may not always succeed in creating beauty - but that's what I'm always trying to do!


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