Thursday, January 17, 2019

Winter Ice and Snow

Winter is definitely here - though places like Toronto... or Guelph, in southern Ontario, have much less snow than we do, from pictures we see.

Here in Ottawa, shadows are longer and days are still short... By 4:45 pm it starts getting dark. Not my kind of weather.

Often we get snow overnight - so Terry heads outdoors to shovel the driveway. I think he's only used his snowblower once...

I've been staying indoors a lot this winter. I only head out if the destination is a shopping centre where I can walk...

At home, I've been going up and down stairs a lot tidying and organizing.

A while back, I set myself the goal of making spaces in shelves and cupboards. That, of course, involves getting rid of things.

Winter is the best time for me to work indoors. Once nicer weather arrives, I'll want to head out.

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