Friday, June 27, 2014

Halifax Segway Experience

Terry's favorite Halifax experience was - without a doubt -  a Segway tour of the city.

After taking a Segway tour in Honolulu last March, I have been looking locally for Segway tours. In Ontario, they are hard to find. I was happy to discover that Halifax had one and glad Terry was willing to give it a try.

I don't have a lot of pictures, as photographing on a Segway, isn't allowed. But we did take a few breaks during the two hours we were riding along the harbor front, then up towards Dalhousie University and into nearby Point Pleasant Park.

The hardest thing about riding a Segway is the standing, as I'm not used to standing a lot. We did take a breaks from time to time and walk around.

For me, riding a Segway resembles riding a horse: Leaning forward to go forward, leaning backward to stop, keeping knees slightly bent. And that constant twitching under my feet that reminds me that a powerful animal / machine is going to take me for a ride.

For Terry, learning that he didn't have to try to balance the Segway was the most helpful advice Max, the Segway tour operator, gave him. Trust the machine. It makes a thousand adjustments a second. 

After that, Terry relaxed - and had the time of his life!

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