Saturday, September 18, 2010

Seasons of Life - And Rainy Days

I have been feeling decidedly lazy the past few days... The sky has been overcast, and I have wondered how to spent my time indoors... In the end, I did very little - and napped a lot!

But today is sunny again - and I think I feel renewed enthusiasm warming my bones! (Is that what's happening?!) In any event, I feel like going outside and gardening and going for a walk...

I guess my question to myself is: Do I need these down-times just as much as I need times of enthusiasm and hard work? Do these rainy days make me think (and rest) a lot more - so that when I do get re-energized, I will be more focused, more able to use my time well...

Do I value productivity so much that I forget that my body needs its down times - its rainy days and sabbath rests - to "regroup"?

Are these restless down times - periods of rain (or even sickness, unemployment or discouragement) - as essential to the ebb and flow of a healthy life as the busy, productive (hectic) days?

I am so impatient to be DOING... But God values rest! Otherwise why would He ordain sabbath days, sabbatical years and jubilees?!

My vision is so limited - I can barely grasp the here and now... The big picture eludes me.

So I pray for patience when my life isn't active, exciting or fun.

Maybe I sometimes simply NEED to rest.

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